Chain Link Fence Advantages
The benefits of a chain link fence are that they can last for decades and require minimal maintenance. Chain link fences are versatile, and there is a variety of customization available to suit any style or need. The pricing is also affordable and affordable pricing is always an attractive option for many homeowners.
- Affordability
- Strong material strength
- Minimal maintenance
- Versatility
Chain Link Fence
When you look around your neighborhood, you will find that the chain-link fence is the most common type of fence used, and this is because it offers high security at a lower rate than other fences that prioritize safety. Security in this sense means preventing people from coming onto your property and preventing people – your kid or maybe pets – from leaving.
If you have a backyard where your kids play, you may want to call us at Eugene Fence Company to install our chain link fence around your home to keep them from playing outside the backyard to the streets. You might not get all the privacy you want from the chain-link fence, but your security is guaranteed at a meager rate compared to all other fences.
Eugene, Oregon Chain Link Fence Options
Do you want a secure, high-quality fence to keep your home safe and sound? Do not hesitate! We are the team for all of Eugene’s needs. The best part is that we offer many different styles so our customers feel at ease with their purchase from start-to every step in this process from design through installation. Having said that, if something goes wrong or could be improved about what was installed on site – don’t worry because each customer has access by phone AND email as well; meaning no matter how far away someone may live they can still get help right when needed most.
We have a wide selection of options for your fence needs! We offer color variations, privacy and security features as well as different heights. In addition to that we also provide superior service in Eugene so if you’re looking around town be sure give us call – our cost will more than make up any minor inconveniences associated with getting what’s needed done right away by professionals who care about making their customers happy!
Why Chain Link?
When you use the chain-link fence, you might not even need to maintain it as much as the vinyl fence because it requires very little maintenance or none at all. It is made from metal wires and coated with a particular material to prevent it from rust. Installing the chain-link fence doesn’t require much effort or workforce.
Another thing that makes the chain-link fence the majority’s favorite is its durability. Because of the material used, this kind of fencing is resistant to weather and damages, and it is also very sturdy. All these are put together to make it last for a very long time.
The fact that the chain-link fence is easily installed and needs little or no maintenance at all after a long time means that after installation and when in use, you won’t spend much on it. All these puts together make the chain-link fence the cheapest fence.

Chain Link Fence Costs
Deciding on the best chain link fence for your property is more than just about affordability. It’s also about whether you want a chain link fence that will blend in with the surrounding area, or one that will set your yard apart.
The height of your chain link fence matters, too. The higher the chain link fence is, the more effective it will be at keeping trespassers out of your yard. That’s why many homeowners opt for 6-foot fences, which are also strong enough to keep out most dogs and other animals that could potentially pose a threat to children or pets on the property.
The cost of installing a chain-link fence can vary greatly depending on the project and the purpose of getting one. Though costs are lower when compared to other types, there’s still some things that could affect your final price tag- such as
- Height. Is the purpose security or keeping children on the property?
- Linear feet you want in total (if different heights like 4ft,5ft, and 6ft)
- Color coating options. For example, vinyl or aluminum panels
- Style. Features like reflectivity so sunlight doesn’t heat up surfaces near decks during warm weather months

Take Aways
The first advantage of the chain-link fence over other kinds of fence is its security, followed by affordability. The wood fence offers a high level of protection, too, adding cost-effectiveness; the chain-link fence is a better option.
A chain link fence is a good option for those that are looking for durable, affordable fences that will last for years. Chain link fences come in different colors and heights – the most popular being 6 feet high. They are also available in vinyl coated material which will not rust or corrode over time!
Eugene Fence Company offers these chain link fences in both metal and plastic varieties, so be sure to consider what material best suits your needs before making a purchase.
As for the cons, the chain-link fence gives very high security but with very little or no privacy at all, and it also has limitations to design preference. At the same time, the vinyl and wood fence offers both aesthetics and a level of privacy and security.